Wednesday, February 4, 2009

You've been forewarned!

To all my fellow bloggers.........I'M BACK!!! OK, now you've been forewarned! The time away has been extremely difficult with conflicts, tests & trials that I couldn't begin to explain. But ANYTHING meant for evil God can use it for his glory & honor!!! (BTW if any of these things/emotions are going on in your life: difficult/annoying/aggravating/infuriating/perplexing/
discouraging/sadness/unrest/stress or etc. -------- do yourself a favor & ask God (thru prayers)to help you handle it so he will receive glory & honor!!! God has opened up things over the last few weeks thats unbelieveable. He's ALWAYS working whether we see or feel it! The interesting part of that is he is doing more than we can even imagine when we don't see or feel him! Its like he wants to surprise us with how AWESOME he really is!! I have two new things going on with my blog for the future but I'm not quite ready to share it with you! I have to work on the big reveal so........let the anticipation build & the drum roll continue until........ Keep watching/reading its coming soon! Love to y'all!!!!


Jamey Lynne said...

My goodness... I've missed you in the blog world!

Sue said...

I'm glad you are BACK....can't wait to see what the new reveal is. God is good!