Sunday, October 26, 2008

My Favorite Day of the Week

Sundays are such SPECIAL days. I am very family oriented. On Sundays, I get to spend the day with my Awesome church family and related family. Our church has an amazing staff of ministers who always bring a word straight from God. (Somedays I wonder if they read our mail or have spy devices in our home-haha) The truth is.....the words they bring make you search your heart. It can be painful at times but its always for our benefit!!!! After morning services, we enjoy a wonderful meal with my relatives. The only problem with the day is my relatives don't enjoy the church services with us. Its an issue that we pray about a lot! You can be a Christian & not go to church but my question is why not?????? Yes the church is full of us humans (who aren't perfect!) who will say & do stupid things usually before we think it through. & sometimes even if we have thought it through. But the good news is God forgave us of our sins & we are obligated to forgive others just as God forgave us. ANYWAY.......if your reading this pray for me & my family that everyday will become like Sundays where we are growing closer & closer to God & hearing all the messages he's sending us ----- especially the hugs that he sends us in the little things that we don't always realize, such as rainbows, sunrises, sunsets, butterflys, birds singing, playful puppies, children laughing, smiles, kisses, & the list of hugs goes on & on. Also pray for our church because God really has an awesome plan for taking back our community & using our church to start that process. We as members have to be willing to allow God to change us & use us for his purpose!!! Have A GREAT Monday & take your Sunday with you all week!!!!!


Amy said...

Hi Joannie!
Glad to see that you too are part of this blog world! I'll link you on my blog site. I love you so know how special you are to me. Have a great day!

Jamey Lynne said...

Thank you for coming today! You are truly the best room mom ever, in ways I could never even express... :)