Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ornaments Galore!

If you read the previous post, you know that its been an ornament day. Tonight was not any different. I went to the 3rd annnual ornament swap party with ladies from the church. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! We had wonderful food, a hilarious edition of "Don't forget the lyrics" (we all forget with the exception of Amy M) & the ornament steal, oh sorry swap! These ladies are all comedians in their own unique way & it was fun watching them perform tonight. God has blessed me with a GREAT church & beautiful & awesome women who are very enjoyable to be around. I know that some of you will understand, I've been in churches that some of the ladies were barely tolerable & you couldn't wait to get away from them. These ladies are truly UNBELIEVEABLE! I feel so priviledged to have them in my life. If you missed the ornament swap, you missed out on a fabulous night of fun! Kudos to the women of VRC --- as my grandmother used to say: y'all are more fun than a barrel of monkeys! Have an AWESOME Friday & I pray that you'll be in church somewhere Sunday! Love Y'all!!!!


Sue said...

Joannie....I LOVE you and Kirsten SO MUCH!! I looked at the pictures and thought "Where else could a group of 'girls' whose ages range from 16 - ??? have so much fun together if God wasn't in it?? Thank you for being such a great friend!

Amy said...

We do rock...that we do. LOVE YOU JOANNIE!

Matt said...

I just wanted to thank you for all you've done (and do) for the girls (and guys) of our church. It doesn't go unnoticed. It means a lot to me and to them. Thanks so much.