Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Changes, Staying In Touch!

During my absence from blogging A LOT of things happened! There have been to many to explain in one post but maybe I will share them as we go along. My wonderful husband & I have gone through things recently that have caused us to sit down & reprioritize our lives. We are both committed to God first, family second & then various other things fall in order (ours differ after these). We have prayed about our church involvements & committments. We both feel that we have heard from God as to how we are to proceed. WE LOVE OUR CHURCH & our family there!!! With that being said, God has shown us that sometimes we become so absorbed in doing "good" things/being busy for the Lord that we loose focus of our true priorities! I love being with people & enjoy all the church activities. I hate to admit it, but to be truly honest with y'all, it has caused me to not always have the quiet time with God that I need! My recent quiet time(time out)has allowed God to really minister to me & speak about his plan for me. The devil sure has tried to attack that plan by using people & situations to try to make me want to completely leave church. God has revealed to me that I can have my quiet time with him, bible study, take care of my family & even encourage my friends!!! Its amazing how God works everything out for his glory and honor! I know I shouldn't be surprised but sometimes I am! Here's the vision God has given me. A lot of you want to be involved in bible studies or life groups but can't for all sorts of reasons. These could be work/jobs, family/spouse, & time constraints just to name a few. He's given me the answer: blogger! I know that just brought about more questions for some of you but listen to the plan. I'm going to do a bible study online using blogger!!! Its my journey to a deeper relationship with Jesus that I want to share with each of you. As I share verses & questions & answers that are being revealed to me, I want to hear from all of you as you read & hopefully receive insight or just have words/scriptures to ponder. You don't have to buy any books just use your bible, you get online & read according to your own schedule. Its an answer to prayers that I've been praying for a long time about my calling & purpose. I hope that each of you will want to be a part of it but listen its not mandatory. Don't feel obligated to put something else on your "To Do" list. You can visit & comment as God leads you. I'm just being a facilitator for you to study your bible & hopefully it will be so easy for you that it becomes a habit quickly!! It also gives me the opportunity to keep in touch with friends without infringing on their work time, home time or me time. Your suggestions & comments are always welcome. Have A Blessed Wednesday & remember to talk to God today(thats what prayer is...a converstation)!
The new page is titled joannie-wordstoponder.blogspot.com!!

1 comment:

Jamey Lynne said...

I love that I knew this was exactly what you and God were working on... :)