Friday, February 20, 2009

Trying Day

Today should have been a good day it is Friday! It didn't start out very good & felt that it spiraled downward! I woke up early with some stomach thing. YUCK! I got Kirsten & Douglas off to school & then had to lay back down. I slept for a long time. (Also meant I didn't work today-not good if your self-employed!) I got up had my devotion time & was hoping to salvage some of the day was just not to be! I tried to get a few things done. But that was short lived. Douglas came home on the bus(Kirsten was at ball practice) & he did some things that needed an attitude adjustment! Yea ---- I love being the bad guy----NOT! This took time away from trying to finish dinner. Its also Douglas' weekend at his Dad's! Tear, Sniff, Tear! Kirsten can't go because of a JROTC drill meet. Dinner was late, Kirsten came home tired & irritable (that's always fun), phones ringing, dogs barking, etc. Calgon---take me away!-----------that didn't work! The best part of this day other than the devotion time----right now. The house is quiet, I signed on blogger & got inspiration from a fellow blogger who had a GREAT day & wrote about prayers being answered in her life!!!! It made me stop & thank God for all the stuff that I had to deal with today! You ask why? Because if I didn't have difficult days like today, I would not truly appreciate the Great days when I have them! I am extremely blessed in so many different ways & I don't want to EVER take any of them for granted! So.....My trying day is ending & tomorrow will be better. FYI Prayer Request: Several couples from our church are on a weekend marriage retreat. (Gary had to work so we couldn't go) I would ask each of you to join me & pray for them. Pray that their relationship with the Lord & their spouse would be refreshed, renewed & that their love for each would grow stronger! Thanks! Have a BLESSED weekend & don't forget to spend time with your heavenly Father everyday not just Sunday! Love to y'all! Joannie

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