Saturday, November 29, 2008
Braggin' Rights Return!!!
I know that I'm not alone in celebrating the Alabama win over Auburn tonight! Not only a win but a shutout! Braggin' Rights have returned to the die hard 'Bama fans who have endured the last few years of losses! It feels good!!!!! The only problem I have are the sports analysts! They all want to discredit Alabama's record of 12 & 0 by saying that Florida will be the favorite in next Saturday's SEC Championship game. If I remember correctly these same analysts didn't even have Alabama ranked at the beginning of the season & we're #1 right now! It reminds me of a friend's favorite saying: Some people just love to hear the sound of their own voice when really they have no idea what their talking about!!!!!!! (Those people aren't just limited to sport analysts but thats a post for a different day!) I do feel for the Auburn fans, mainly because for the last few years I've experienced what they are dealing with! They will get VERY tired of the comments & jokes & very tired of saying "there's always next year"! Until next year, I'm going to enjoy this while it lasts! Its SWEET! I do still love all my family (Emily) & friends that are Auburn fans! But for tonight its RRROOOLLLLLL TIDE ROLL! love ya'll
THE GAME of the year!
Today is the day that Alabama or Auburn football fans wait for all year! Football season begins with a lot of anticipation & talk! As the season progresses the anticipation mounts & for some the talk dies down. Bragging rights for one year are on the line! This day is one that over the years has been full of surprises! Sometimes it causes a fan to change sides-----that's just wrong! Win, loose or draw ---- I'm an ALABAMA fan! I have always looked forward to this day since I could say ROLL TIDE! This day divides marriages, families, churches & communities! I enjoy today because I love football but also the food of the day. I love to cook on football Saturdays anything from roast or chili to fudge, cookies or cakes. As kickoff time draws nearer, I pray that no one is injured on either team!!!!!! Also, it your year 'Bama ------- ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!! love ya'll
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
One of my faves!
Tomorrow is THANKSGIVING! YEA! Its one of my favorite holidays! I am so thankful for so many things that there isn't enough space to list all of them. These are just a few, my Savior, my children, my husband, my family, my church, my family's health, my home, my friends, my job & the newest blessing our family has received: a new home for Joseph & Emily. They closed on a new house in Calera & will be moving tomorrow! I'm so happy for them! They were living in an apartment that was becoming extremely unsafe! Now they have a beautiful new home! It really overwhelms me how God has blessed my life------even when I wasn't living for him! I really appreciate my parents & how they raised me! I pray that my children will one day appreciate how I tried to raise them. Somedays it seems like they can't stand to be around me, but those are the days when they are being disrespectful or upset that they can't do what they want but what I or Gary say! Its ok their just children but wanting to be adults! I pray that each & everyone on you has a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING & that you realize & thank God for ALL of you blessings!
Love Ya'll!
Love Ya'll!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The Gift of Laughter!
A merry heart doeth good! Thank you , Lord for giving us laughter! Today & tonight have seemed like a roller coaster ride! Today was difficult for several reasons. Today was my Mom's birthday & my Mom & Dad's 60th wedding anniversary. YES 60 years!!! I had so many things to handle today that I could not go & see them! My Mom also broke her wrist almost two weeks ago & has not been able to take care of my Dad who is legally blind & almost completely deaf! I wanted to do something special for them but they are difficult to buy or do anything for! After talking with several family members, I decided to fix Thanksgiving dinner for them & take it to them Sunday along with a meat tray & fruit & cheese tray. This way my Mom won't try to cook or do something she really shouldn't!!!!! Then my daughter had a Christmas craft thing at school-almost all day! Then it was time to go buy all the food & try to prepare it for tomorrow. Before I got all of it completed, it was time to go to the Comedy Dinner Theater at church. Gary & I both were in skits! To be honest I was not looking forward to it like I had been all week. Truthfully, I didn't even want to go! THANKFULLY, I went anyway! God gave us the wonderful gift of laughter to make our lives better! I enjoyed the dinner---it was awesome! But the Martins deserve a standing ovation for their work in putting together the skits with various church members (some are quite talented)! I laughed so hard that my head & sides hurt! I needed that break!! Although it was short lived because I have been unable to get my ex-husband to return my phone calls (home & cell) or messages so that I could talk to Douglas! I try to always call & tell them good night, miss them & love them. To me, its like tucking them in before they go to sleep! I'm praying & trusting God to take care of Douglas & that I can talk to him in the morning! Like I said a roller coaster day but sprinkled with a little laughter to help me get through it! Thank you Lord for all the gifts/blessings that you give us----even the ones we fail to see as such! If your day has been like a roller coaster-----think of the corniest joke you know & laugh---a deep belly laugh or just giggle----either way, your bound to feel better!!! Have a GREAT Sunday!!!! Love Ya'll!
Missing that boy!
Well, Douglas got home---YEA!!!!!! He was tired but excited about everything they got to do. I just wish he got to stay here & didn't have to go to his Dad's house! I didn't really get to enjoy having him home before he had to leave! Oh, it gets better! His Dad was supposed to pick him up at 6:00. I had somewhere I was supposed to be right after that. He got here at almost 7:00! Maybe next time he does that we will be gone! According to the lawyer, if he's not there on time, I don't have to let him go. The problem with that is his Dad would take his anger at me for doing that out on Douglas (past experience has proved that)! Its OK by the end of the day, God will have helped me with this anger & frustration & I can let it go!!!!! I just have to get in the word today & focus on my Lord & Savior!!! He ALWAYS pulls me through!!!! Sometimes it just takes longer than other times! I'm glad that Gary & I are going to the Comedy Dinner Theatre at church tonight------I really could use a good laugh!! I'll let you know how it goes! Love Ya'll
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Big Day is Almost Here!!!!!
The big day is coming! I'm sure most of you think I'm talking about Thanksgiving or the Iron Bowl! Yes I'm very thankful & ROLL TIDE......BUT....that's not the day I'm looking forward to!! Tomorrow is Friday & my little boy Douglas is coming home! He has been gone to Bear Creek on a school trip since Wednesday & I HAVE MISSED HIM! He is like my other children who can drive me down the street around the corner & to the moon & back!!!! But I've missed him! He is nine, ten next month (Christmas baby-21st)! He is definitely growing up but still has his moments of being my cuddle bug! I've missed my cuddle time! We may only get five minutes a night & sometimes not at all but his laughter & smile have been missed! I don't get cuddle time with my other children anymore---I'm lucky if I get weekly phone calls from some of them. Its OK, don't worry, I understand that they have their lives to live! Its just that they are loved & missed too! Tomorrow will be Happy & Sad! Happy that Douglas is home but Sad because he will have to go to his Dad's house at 6:00. At least I will get a big hug & get to hear all about the cave, snake show & all that stuff! If you haven't guessed by now I love being a Mom! I'm also very thankful that God has blessed me with my children & the newest member of our family---my daughter-in-law--Emily! So tomorrow when your children are driving you down the street, around the corner, & etc..............remember to stop give them a hug, tell them how much you love them & be thankful! Have a GREAT Friday & remember to count all the things you have & not the things you don't have!!! Love Ya'll!
P.S. If you need another reason to be thankful, email me at & I'll send you the seven wonders of the world........its not what you might think!!!!
P.S. If you need another reason to be thankful, email me at & I'll send you the seven wonders of the world........its not what you might think!!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Just some Why's! with a little humor!
Why do some of the sweetest/kindest women I know have jerks for husbands? Why do people want to look like others (i.e. celebrities)?? Why do people want to use foul language to talk........Do they think they sound intelligent or cool?? Why are some people so intelligent that they don't have common sense?? Why do people get angry when they have to wait in line at stores.......should everyone else step aside because they are royalty(haven't seen Jesus waiting in line in any stores I've been in)?? Why do people today want something for nothing?? Why do people not have intergrity anymore?? Why do some people think their children are perfect (Jesus is in heaven!)?? Why do telemarketers call & then mispronounce your name?? Why do children's sports coaches take the game so serious (as if they are playing!)?? Why are girls in school so catty?? Why do most men never ask for directions & then complain when their lost?? Why do cell phones try to spell what you want to text before you type it(can they read minds by the feel of your fingers)?? Why do children want to stay up late when they have to get up early....and then go to sleep early when they can sleep late?? Why do people watch scary movies & yell at the TV for the actress/actor to not do that you'll get hurt?? Why do people watch soap operas (& then tell the TV he/she is cheating on you)?? Why do people who are being interviewed/questioned say uh, ya know & etc?? Why do commentators or sports analyst feel that they have all the answers.....but they usually have never held public office or played AND coached a team?? Why do people say suck it they want you to choke on it?? Why do we do the crazy things we do?? the words of my brother......People are stupid & you can't fix stupid! LOL! Its not a serious blog---it was written to make you laugh. We all have our moments & if you haven't had any yet, wait until you get a little older. They come more frequently then (the voice of experience? yes)! If your not laughing, oh well, I tried. If you have a why, let me know, maybe I'll do another one! Love Ya'll!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
What's your sacrifice??????
Today is a day to honor all the veterans that have served or are serving, as Christians I pray that we do not forget one very important veteran and the sacrifice he made! Jesus Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom! I am very military motivated, I have a son (Joseph) who served in the Marines, father (Donald) who served in the National Guard, 3 nephews who are serving (Eric-Marines, Rob-Marines, Justin-Army), with a lot of friends serving also! I am more than aware of the sacrifices that they have made & their families! I TRULY appreciate the freedoms that we have in America. I understand the sacrifices involved!!!! As much as I understand it, I don't! I can't imagine how God was able to sacrifice his son for us. I remember 9/11 & I remember all the comments that were made by ungrateful people! That didn't understand that because of our military they have the right to speak out & voice their opinions! I wonder if thats how God feels when we are ungrateful & don't accept the freedom we've been offered or don't follow Jesus & his will for our lives? Sometimes God expects us to make a few sacrifices in our we?........and do we do it as a priviledge & with a grateful heart? I must! I don't like making sacrifices & I pray that God with help me in this area of my Christian walk! Today as we remember all of the people (even the ones we've never met) that have made sacrifices for our peace, security & happiness...............remember the one that gave his life for our FREEDOM! Say a prayer today for all the veterans, their families & thank God for his sacrifice for us! Love Ya'll
Friday, November 7, 2008
Do you have good memories?
This time of year is just so much fun to me! It reminds me of good memories that go back (way back haha) to when I was growing up. The leaves we would rake FOREVER! then destroy the piles by playing in them. The beautiful display of colors of all the trees on the Mountain! The fall festivals at school & church. The family gatherings with all that FOOD! Spending time with all the aunts, uncles, cousins you only got to see a couple of times a year. We would laugh, play football, watch football, eat, laugh, play football, watch football & then eat again!! (ALWAYS been a big football fan!) I miss those gatherings! What I miss most is that a lot of those relatives are in heaven! I wish my children had the opportunity to know them! I miss my grandmother-Nanny (my Mom's Mom) most of all! We ALWAYS had the best time at her family gatherings! She made the best sweet tea-Better than Milos!!! Those are special times but I wonder.....will my children look back one day & have fond memories of family times/gatherings/holidays!?!? I guess I'm inspired today to make this Thanksgiving season memorable for my family! I'm looking for suggestions of holiday traditions that you would share with me! We have some for Christmas but I feel that we need some for Thanksgiving! As our family grows, I want our family celebrations to be lasting memories with traditions that are carried on by my children! Any comments or suggestions are welcome! Enjoy your day-TGIF! Love Ya'll
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I'm Smiling & Laughing......Are you?
Well you should be laughing! Being the DEDICATED (win or loose) Alabama fan, I'm enjoying all the cute Auburn jokes that are floating around, even passed a few on from my email. But that's not the only reason I'm laughing!?!? I'm laughing because it feels good! Usually when people laugh they also smile----really big smiles! FYI-I love people (even though we're a strange lot) & I'm a people watcher. Because of that, I've watched people----A LOT! When people are talking their expressions vary from frowns, sad faces, tears, confusion, frustration, anger etc but my favorite is a smile or laughter. When you look at someone in Wal-Mart, church, grocery store or bookstores (my hangouts haha) & they smile you smile back or vice versa. My observations are: when almost everyone I've watched starts to smile their whole face lights up especially their eyes. When they laugh you can almost see some of the stress their carrying melt away. Upon discovering this revelation: I've decided that I'm going to try to laugh & smile more & more everyday. And yes I will be telling every corny joke I hear---hey if it makes you laugh, why not! Ok this is not me lying to myself or ya'll that everything is perfect & I can laugh & smile because I'm clueless about things going on around me!!! There is enough depressing things going on everywhere! But what if........each one of us tried to make one person smile & one person laugh each day????!!!! Most people are so busy/stressed or even overwhelmed that they need a bright spot in their day! This sort of goes along with random acts of kindness. Wouldn't you feel better if you made someone's day a little better. There was a movie some years back called Pay It Forward, I cried at the end but the concept was if something good happens to you make something good happen for someone else (pay it forward). Isn't that a form of sharing God's love with others?? Just some more thoughts to your smiling or laughing. Love Ya'll!:>
P.S. Check out these verses while you ponder this: Proverbs 15:13, 17:22, Psalms 126:2
P.S. Check out these verses while you ponder this: Proverbs 15:13, 17:22, Psalms 126:2
God's Will.......Will Be Done
Its OFFICIAL........the presidential election is over! Whether your candidate won or not----it doesn't matter. Its time to unite as a nation/Agree to disagree/Move on! I read on another blog last night that our hope should not be in a man even if he is the president----our hope is in a Savior who died on the cross for our sins! AMEN sister! This is the day the Lord has made & I WILL rejoice & be glad in it! My God is STILL on the throne, in control & His will will be done. If you are having questions about what his will is?????? READ THE BOOK! (Bible) I love the t-shirt that reads "Don't make me come down there!" ---GOD Maybe some of us need him to???? In trying to discipline/teach values/morals/principles, I use this questions with Douglas & Kirsten sometimes........If Jesus were standing here would he be happy with how your acting? Well, my friends, if Jesus were in the room with you right now----Would he be pleased with your actions??? Just something to ponder today as you hopefully plan to make your way to church tonight. My prayers are for you to be blessed today!!! Love ya'll!
P.S. When Americans were upset after 9/11, the local church couldn't hold all the people coming in the doors. If your that upset about this nation & the possible direction we're headed........Why not talk to God about it???? Just another something to ponder!
P.S. When Americans were upset after 9/11, the local church couldn't hold all the people coming in the doors. If your that upset about this nation & the possible direction we're headed........Why not talk to God about it???? Just another something to ponder!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Its Thanksgiving Season
We all have different seasons that we love. These can be the actual seasons or times of the year when special things happen like football (#1 - ALABAMA-yipee!), or Spring (cleaning, flowers, Easter) or my favorite Fall. The trees are full of beautiful colors, football, sweaters/turtlenecks, the smells of apples, pumpkins, clove, & cinnamon, deep fried turkey, sweet potato casseroles, pecan pies(hungry now?) & THANKSGIVING!!! I love holidays-no matter if its just Friendship Day(yes, I consider that a Holiday!). Thanksgiving to me is one of the least stressful of the holidays. There are no requirements but a grateful heart & we should ALL have countless blessings to be appreciative of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love cooking at Thanksgiving. I love trying to get in touch with all the family & friends that I can reach & try to catch up on how their lives are going! Sometimes we get so busy that we don't stay in touch like we really want to. I have always used Thanksgiving to try to reconnect with everyone! There are always wonderful family & church gatherings/celebrations with more food than you can eat in a week. The reason I feel that Thanksgiving is the best holiday is because I have so much to be thankful for. God has blessed me beyond belief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It started before I was born. He chose wonderful parents for me, great brothers & sisters that even though they picked on me (the baby of the family) NO BODY else could. I always felt very protected---not only by my parents but by my siblings also. That feeling has carried over into my adult life. They are always there for support sometimes I have wished that they could or would do more but I've not walked in their shoes so...... God blessed me with 3 awesome children. He lead me through difficult times but only so his plan & purpose could be fulfilled! God put awesome Christians in my path when I wasn't walking with him to show me the way back home. He brought into mine & my children's lives a Christian man who would show us unbelieveable, overwhelming love!!!!!!! That man (Gary) came with a wonderful church & family! These are only a FEW of the things that I have to be thankful for. I would have to give my life story to explain why I am appreciative of all the things in my life right now!! But back to the Thanksgiving holiday, this season makes me specifically, everyday thank God in detail for ALL the blessings, trials, tests, races, etc. The reason that I thank God is because they have made me more thankful & have strengthened, stretched & sustained me in a world that most days feels that its gone mad! So............this holiday be aware of ALL the things you have to be thankful for. Whether your particular candidate wins or looses, God is STILL on the throne, in control & His will......Will be done! If your reading this, I pray that God blesses you/yours this holiday & throughout the rest of this year & into the next!
Love Ya'll
Love Ya'll
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